Dual Degree

Starts from:June 1, 2022
Course Feature
Class Description
1. Master’s Program in Community Energy and Environment (adiCET) and Master of Science in Green Energy Science and Technology (Feng Chia University)
- The primary objective of this Memorandum of Agreement is the development of dual graduate degree program betw/een Master’s Program of Green Energy Scienceand Technology, Feng Chia University (FCU) and Master’s Program in Community Energy and Environment, Asian Development College for Community Economy and Technology (adiCET), Chiang Mai Rajabhat University (CMRU). The collaboration aims to promote student Interaction, enhance friendship, and improve educational performance based on the terms set out in the Regulations for Joint Dual Degree Programs between both universities.
2. Master’s Program in Community Energy and Environment (adiCET) and Master of Science in Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning and Energy Engineering (National Chin-Yi University of Technology)
- The primary objective of this Dual Degree Program Agreement is to set up and develop a system of academic exchange of two degrees between Master degree program in Air Conditioning and Energy Engineering, National Chi-Yi University of Technology(NCUT) and Master degree program in Community Energy and Environment, Asian Development College for Community Economy and Technology (adiCET), Chiang Mai Rajabhat University (CMRU).
Location of School
- Courses are taught at the Asian Development College for Community Economy and Technology, Maerim Campus, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University and Feng Chia University, Taiwan, ROC.
- Courses are taught at the Asian Development College for Community Economy and Technology, Maerim Campus, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University andNational Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan, ROC
Curriculum Format
- 45 credits; Multidisciplinary program with the period of studies of 2 – 5 years.
- English
- Accordance with the Graduate Study Regulations of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University in 2007.