M.S. Students
Research Assistant / M.Sc. Student
Master of Science: (Community Energy and Environment) and Master’s Program of Green Energy Science and Technology, College of Engineering and Science, Feng Chia University, Taiwan, ROC.
Bachelor’s degree: Science of Renewable Energy, Maejo University
Master of Science (Community Energy and Environment)
Thesis: Smart plug high-efficiency for direct current electricity
Bachelor’s degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering Faculty of Industrial Technology), Uttaradit Rajabhat University
Master of Science (Community Energy and Environment)
Thesis: The Design and Development of Smart Farm with Environmental Analysis Web-Application
Bachelor’s degree: Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Technology)
Master of Science (Community Energy and Environment)
Thesis: In the Future
Bachelor’s degree:
Master of Science (International program) (Community Energy and Environment)
Thesis: Developing a novel monitoring systems for anaerobic digestion of starch wastewater.
Bachelor’s degree: Bachelor’s degree: Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science),Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia